The Bionic Sound Project

this girl’s journey to sound

Hearing Aid Batteries and Cold Weather. Thursday, February 9, 2006

Filed under: hearing aids,pre-activation,pre-surgical,unhappy — Allison @ 1:35 pm

My hearing aids are making me insane.

I changed the batteries on tuesday afternoon (and they usually last for up to 2 weeks), and for the last few weeks, they’ve been dying within 2 days. It only seems to be a problem here in New York. I get these annoying click-click / beep-beep indicators (low-battery), or this really weird screeching noise repeatedly, whenever environmental sounds are made (and it depends on the battery). I’ve switched batteries within hearing aids, and then the hearing aid that gets the other battery gets the low battery indicator. Even replacing it with a new battery, sometimes the low-battery indicator comes back on.

It’s probably time to get them in and repaired/tuned up, but I can’t bear the thought of being without my hearing aids for any length of time. It’s also probably time to get new ones, but the cost of getting two is quite a drop in the bucket for me.

To my deaf buds, am I the only one who is having trouble with the cold weather and their hearing aid batteries?

To my hearing buds, if I don’t hear you as well lately, I apologize.